Tuesday 19 July 2011

Tweblr Promotional Models

I have the honour of being the photographer for Tweblr Promotional Models.
It is a company that will help promote your company/event with beautiful girls.  It could be anything from handing out flyers, to promoting drink companies in bars, to manning a table at a trade show.
Her are a few of my favourite pics from doing their head shots.
If you want anymore information, please visit http://www.tweblr.com/

Sunday 17 July 2011

Cutest Siblings Contest

 Being a mother of two childern, I know how exciting it is to have photos of your children together.  That's why I am doing this contest.  Email me your photo of your kids together and I will post them on my Facebook page.  The photo with the most "likes" will win.  Remember, you have to like the page to be able to vote on your choice.

1.  Email your photo to indigostarsphotography@yahoo.ca.  Entries will be accepted until July 23rd at 11:59pm.   Entrants must be between the ages of 0-8 and photos require at least 2 children in the photo.

2.  The winners will be chosen by the amount of "likes" the siblings have.  The top two photos with the most "likes", will be awarded the following prizes:
*Second runner up receives a $40 gift certificate to spend on services offered by Indigo Stars Photography

*First place receives a 45 minute session in the Niagara Region or in studio, a framed 8X10 and the option to purchase the DVD of fully edited photos at a discounted price of $75.00

3.  Voting will start July 24th and end at 11:59pm August 7th.  Winners will be notified Aug.8th. 
Writing "vote' or "like" in the comments below the photo will not count.  I have a lot of fun being a photographer, so I would appreciate only POSITIVE comments.  Any sign of negative comments and the contest will end. 

So remember, keep it clean and the tell everyone to vote!!!
Thank you!!


Saturday 16 July 2011

Clark Family

This family won a 1 hour shoot through a DSBN silent auction.
I had a lot of fun shooting them at Morningstar Mill.  It was a beautiful day and that helped in creating beautiful memories for this family. All the best with Aiden and the new little bundle of joy!!   Here are a few of my favourites...

Sweet Amber

I jumped at the chance to shoot Amber when I was doing a family photo shoot with Betsy and Larry.
I had a lot of fun trying out my new props bought just the day before.  Amber was such a little doll to work with and I had so much fun!!  I can't wait to hopefully capture her growing up through the years!!

Megan & Jason

On a beautiful June day, I had the opportunity to capture Megan and Jay's big day.  It was such a fun wedding to shoot.  We ventured to St.John's for the pictures and here are a few I like.  I wish you all the best in your future together and you two make such a cute couple!!

Friday 15 July 2011


Welcome to Indigo Stars Photography blogspot!!
Hope you return often to check back on all the fun things I am doing!!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me through email.