Friday 9 December 2011

Giacomo & Aria

While I was working I met this wonderful lady named Angie.  She was talking to me about cameras and courses and wanted to know where to start.
Through conversation, she discovered I was a photographer and took my card.  A couple of days later I got asked to photograph her beautiful grandchildren for Christmas.  I went to their house so they didn't have to tote a 3 month old and kept the 2 year old comfortable in his own house.
The end result was amazing.  The playfulness and joy coming from Giacomo that day was fun!  Yeah kids have their moments, but man when I got a good pic, I got a good pic.  Sorry to toot my own horn here.

 His sister, Aria, was so easy going and only had one fit, even through the multiple times getting her dressed and undressed.  Aria's curiosity for the camera made her expressions great to capture.

 When it came time to photograph the two together, that was a different story.  I don't think they like sharing the same chair or couch... ha ha ha.  I did manage to have them calm for a couple of shots, but you have to admit Giacomo looks good in that chair.

Thank you very much for inviting me into your beautiful home to capture your children Anita and also for the wonderful hospitality you displayed.
Angie, it was great to meet you and hopefully one day we'll meet again!

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