Thursday 18 September 2014

Paige's First Birthday

Meet Paige

Paige made it to another milestone in her life. 
She turned 1!!

I was a wonderful morning outside and I could not help but go out there and capture this little princess in all her wonder.  She was having a blast exploring the numbers and letters I brought.  Once she finally stopped chewing on the letters, we were able to get a cute picture.

A big thank you to her Daddy, Mike, for making the wonderful chalkboard.  That's right, I said Daddy.  He did a fantastic job with it all.

Look at this adorable smile!!!

Another shout out to Picture Perfect Props by Mich (Facebook) for the wonderful headband and adorable tutu.  If you have not checked out her store, here in Welland, then I suggest you do.  She does amazing work.

Congratulations, again, Paige!!  I can not wait to watch you grow up!!!

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